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ALCOHOL IS POISON . God told me to share this with everybody.

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ALCOHOL IS POISON . God told me to share this with everybody.

Alcohol is the strong chemical poison.
Why I say this.
I work as a doctor in criminology to describe the death of young people from alcohol. They were dead, and sometimes in their young lifetime from 15 til 34 years old. They were dead after drinking alcohol.
I must to take a blood from a vein for search. It folds into a syringe under the influence of alcohol.

This knowledge I wish to share with you because I love you and don’t want to LOSE YOU TOO EARLY.

The information.
1. The sizes of the neuron - our brain cells from 1 micron to 150 (depending on the part of the brain)

2.The sizes of blood vessel by neuron is only 2 microns and only one red cell with oxygen what is necessary for the life of every cel can to move through this blood vessel ( the name of red cel is erythrocyte ) .

3. The red blood cel have a negatively charged membrane to repel from another red blood cells.

Under the influence of alcohol 20 ml (one tablespoon 15 ml), this membrane is destroyed and the erythrocyte becomes vulnerable and helpless. It automatically without the protective membrane clings to others the same helpless quivering red blood cells and together they form a thrombus - a blood clot the size of 60 microns, 30 times more than size of blood vessel what going to the cells of our brain, our heart, our liver, our kidneys, to all our body cells.

Oxygen is not delivered to a cell and it DIES.
The result of the death of brain - (micro or large) STROKE, insult with paralysis of part of our body, of our face, our arm, etc.
Death of Cells of heart-a heart attack, infarct.
Of Liver cells, kidney - NECROSIS.
Liver and kidney cells are dying and they dead rush in the blood, clogging more the other blood vessels, causing more death of accidents cells, so that would still live.

WELCOME TO SUICIDE of own cells and your body.

I want to give you a comparison: we were put in a dirty toilet where we can’t breathe and we are shout:

"- give us fresh air please, we go die in the stench! Be merciful!"

And the one who pushed us there tell us:

"I feel myself very well, it is not matter of you die, so shut up and die there."

So cheerful brain cells screams after drinking alcohol too, because no oxygen more, no air,

" Give me air, oxygen please , please let me be alive , I'm dying without air ,Be merciful! "

And we say to him:

"It is not matter for me of you die, I'm very well with alcohol, I want drink it!"

And our poor cells who devotedly and faithfully served us go die, and their pitiful remains are carried with the blood, and then take out from our body away.

We can’t buy another body. We can’t buy another brain. We can’t buy another heart. We can’t buy another lever .We can’t buy another kidney.

This knowledge I wish to share with you because I love you very much and I don’t want to lose you too early. If you don’t want to hurt me and you friends, your families, please stop to drink alcohol please. I beg, I beg you. Because it is strong chemical poison.

So God ask me to give this information to you.

Комментарий автора:
I wish you healthy and happiness, be careful with averything what you eat of drink. It is my advice as doctor of medicine.

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Любовь Дударева Любовь Дударева, Эйндховен
Христианка.Замужем,двое детей .В Церкви Бога Живого.Член Христианского центра евангельских церквей " МОСТ".Занимаюсь активной деятельностью, в том числе благотворительными акциями.Руководитель предприятия.Работаю врачем в нидерландском госпитале . Подробнее- на моем сайте.
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Желаю тебе здоровья и счастья,
Бог благословит тебя!
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Поэзия :
Грех - Андрей Берлиз

Крик души :
День \"святого\" Валентина - брат Геннадий

Публицистика :
Государство и Церковь - Станислав Злобин
Эта статья родилась по поводу споров христиан об участии церкви в политических процессах общества. Будет интерсно мнение читателей на эту тему.

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